Get Crazy !!
(1) More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
(2) An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.
(3) Only human beings sleep on their backs.
(4) In Alaska, it is legal to shoot bears. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is probihited!
(5) Table cloth were originally meant to be used as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating.
(6) The global average efficiency of vehicles is 5km to a litre, Japan and Western Europe manage an average of upto 11km.
(7) Do you have pnigophobia? It’s the fear of choking on fish bones!
(8) How about Caligynephobia? It is the fear of beautiful woman!!
(9) The original English language alphabet had only 24 letters. J and U joined the alphabet much later!
(10) The world’s first gymnasiums were introduced in 900 B.C in Greece and athletes practised in the nude to the accompaniment of music.
(11) Siper glue was invented by accident. The researcher was trying to make optical coating materials, and would test their properties by putting them between two prisms and shining light through them. When he tried the Cyano-Acrylite, he couldn’t get the prism apart.
(12) The most venomous of all snakes is the Inland Taipan, which has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 mice.
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